Yesterday I made a post about some Star Wars ECKO gear I wanted.
Today I decided that I wanted the hoodie so badly that I would order it. Probably one of the biggest factors pushing me into it was finding an order code that is part of their "friends and family" sale, thanks to another blogger, that will get me 30% off. So I set about ordering the Boba Fet hoodie and a cool Star Wars T-shirt (yes, Star Wars is cool).
Half way through my ordering process I get to the address section and it won't let me change the country from US to Canada. ECKO's online store won't ship outside of the US!! The horror. It's not even over seas, we're connected for gods sake!
Anyways, I've heard a few good stories over the past year about people talking about their problems with companies over social media and the companies sometimes respond. Usually positively. So I decided to give it a try.
I've mentioned my problem several times on Twitter. I made a small post about it on my Tumblr mini-blog, and now I'm writing about it here.
I'm hoping that if I mention it enough, something will get done. That's why I'm asking anyone who reads this to pass it on. Especially Canadians like me who also like ECKO gear, because maybe one day you won't be able to get something you really want shipped to you. Maybe you even know someone who is connected to ECKO in some way. You should pass this on to them.
Help me!
Help me get my amazingly cool hoodie!!
Help give me faith that social media really works!!!
keep the faith - michael jackson