Friday, October 16, 2009

The Ultimate iPhone Project

Anyone who knows me knows I love my iPhone. It's my baby. I ordered a special case for it off the internet because I couldn't find one in stores that would protect my baby enough. I don't know what I'd do with out it.

I'm also always searching for things to make my baby better. New apps. Themes. Plug-ins. Whatever.

Yesterday, Robert Scoble tweeted this link to AppsFire's blog that shows (what I assume can only be some of) the apps that he is using on his iPhone. I thought it was interesting to see what apps he uses. That inspired me to come up with this recent harebrained scheme entitled "The Ultimate iPhone Project".

I want to know what apps you're using and loving in order to make my iPhone (and hopefully yours too) into The Ultimate iPhone.

This is a really simple and easy project that I'm hoping a lot of people will be interested in helping out with. All you need to do is leave a comment with what you're using and think is the best thing for your iPhone. This can be apps, themes (for jailbroken iPhones), games, whatever you think is the best of the best on your iPhone.

Now my phone is only a 3G, which means I can't use apps that require the compass on the 3GS, but that doesn't mean you can't post any of them here.

Also, free and/or cheap apps are preferred (as I'm still a broke student), but if something is really worth the money you paid for it, put it up.

I thought I'd start with listing some of the apps on my 1st iPhone page and what I think of them to get the ball rolling.

  • My theme - right now I'm using the illumine theme. I like (and am looking for) themes that are cool and sleek, don't require a lot of changing things around to make them look good and ones that don't have app icons that are so crazy that they make my apps whose icons don't change look very out of place

  • Battery percentage - through SB Settings (must be jailbroken to use) so I can see how much battery I actually have left

  • Score Mobile - I use this for my sports updates. I like the easy to use and read interface, but am willing to try something else

  • Weather Eye - I use this one because they're the weather channel I watch at home in Toronto and it gives me more details than the one that comes with the phone

  • TwitterFon - this is the current mobile Twitter client I'm using. (I also haven't updated it since they changed the free one to have ads. I think they now call it echofon) Always willing to try a new one. I use tweetdeck on my laptop, so wouldn't mind trying their iPhone app one day

  • Evernote - I used to use this app a lot both on my computer and iPhone (they sync with each other) to remember everything, but now can't remember the last time I used it. Willing to take this off the front page

  • Shazam - great for finding out the name of a song that's playing, but I don't really use it a lot

  • NetNewsWire - I got this because I use their RSS reader on my desktop so I liked that they synced. Now that the desktop version uses Google Reader to sync, I'm willing to try any app that will sync with my google rss

  • Icy & Cydia - I use Cydia for finding jailbroken apps and themes, but can't say I've opened Icy more than once. Should take that one off the first page as well.

  • Categories - (available through Cydia on jailbroken iPhones) you can't see it on my homepage there, but I use Categories to make folders on my second page so that I don't have 1,000 pages worth of apps. The folders I made are "games", "useful stuff" and "fun stuff"

Ok, now that I've got the ball rolling, it's your turn! Leave a comment and let me know what your iPhone favs are. Also, please share this and tell your friends to join in as well. Hopefully we can collaboratively put together The Ultimate iPhone.

After I start to get a bunch of suggestions I can try out I'll update everyone with how I change my iPhone.